Has it really been only three months since I started blogging? Time has been whizzing by as school got into full gear.
I am thankful to everyone who has come by our blog and hope that some of you have found the links helpful. And that perhaps a small percentage of you have found my blog of interest :)
I haven't recapped for the last week as it has been an ongoing unit and will likely recap that at the weekend coming up.
We recieved our first snowfall here today. Well it really wasn't all that impressive really. It's gone already although they are calling for more.
I have met a few wonderful ladies through our local homeschool group. And hope to meet some more. I am debating setting up either a craft or lego group for the winter for a small group of homeschoolers. I just have to work the idea out more and get some details before I submit it to the local group.
I also want to look into a field trip I have formulating, thanks to my wonderfully ingenius husband.
Again thank you to all those great people who have come by and made us reach 1000 visitors since we began.
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